How do I know my water meter is working correctly?

Each meter used by El Dorado Mutual Water Company meets the high standards of the American Water Works Association and must be accurate within 2 percent in order to pass inspection. When meters do fail, usually due to excessive wear or corrosion, the result is water moves through the meter undetected, causing an inaccurately low reading. Faulty meters almost always measure less water, not more.

How is my water use determined?

Your water meter mechanically records water as it flows through the pipes. The Maintenance Contractor visually reads the meter each month and inputs the reading into a meter book. If the reading is unusually high or low the maintenance man will re-read your meter to ensure accuracy.

What can cause an unusually high water bill?

There are a number of factors that could result in an unusually high water bill. The most common causes of high water bills are over-watering outdoor landscapes and undetected leaks. During the summer, refilling the pool or increasing your landscape watering time can cause a significant increase in water use. In cooler seasons, customers who forget to adjust their irrigation clocks will often find they have exceeded their water budget and have to pay a higher bill. Other reasons your bill may be unusually high are out-of-town guests who increased water usage through showers and laundry.

How can I read my meter to determine if there is a leak?

It is easy to determine if you have a leak in your system. First, shut off all water-using fixtures and the irrigation system. Go look at your water meter (be careful of spiders or bees under the lid). If the dial is showing water use, despite everything being turned off, then there is a leak. Toilet leaks are very common. Irrigation system leaks can be the biggest. Call a leak detection company if you are having trouble determining the source of your leak.

What if I do all that and still cannot find the answer?